Those who have Parkinsons disease, their caregivers, family, friends, and other interested parties


By providing education, resources and support for our Parkinsons community


We fill a local need for new information on and solutions related to Parkinson's disease.


We provide non-biased, non-partisan support and education for those effected by Parkinsons disease.

About Us

Torrington Area Parkinsons Support Group

The Northwestern Connecticut Torrington Area Parkinson's Support Group welcomes people with Parkinson's disease and their care partners, their family and friends, and other interested parties to participate in monthly meetings at the Sullivan Senior Center at 88 East Albert Street in Torrington.

Join Our Monthly Meetings
Meetings run 10 AM to noon and include an educational component, business announcements, exercise for people with Parkison's (PWP) and a support group for care partners. ( check our calendar)

Meetings include speakers from health care professions and local support services organizations, as well as separate group sessions for both the caregiver and caretaker.

Zoom link for the meeting should you need to attend virtually.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 852 8932 2507BR> Passcode: 464372

Events Calendar

Click Here For A Full List Of Our Activities 

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Dear TAPSG Members,

We will meet this Saturday, May 15th at 10 AM.
Annie Quattrochi and I met Thursday morning to develop questions that will engage everyone while providing information on areas we might be able to provide greater support to our members. When you come in, please form table groups of 6-8 people for effective discussions. We'll ask for one notetaker/facilitator in each group to ensure that all have a chance to participate and to share ideas after each discussion question. Annie will conduct the group discussions.

Joel Sekorski called Thursday night to say that the City of Torrington will be painting lines in the parking lot this Saturday, so we need to leave the big lot free of cars. Please drive down Park Avenue (west side of the center), and pull into the lot; park on the south side (exercise room) or east side (river/walkway) of the center. Enter through the connector door on the east side. We may have the front door open, but remember that you should not park in the front lot. You may also park on Park Ave, but please obey parking signs. We do not reimburse for tickets.

If this is too confusing, just stand outside and yell; someone will come rescue you.

JUNE 15 third Saturday meeting
Our June 22 meeting has to be rescheduled. The carpets at the center will be cleaned the weekend of 6/21-22, so Friday's Beyond Words session (6/21) will also be canceled. I'm hoping our presenter will be able to switch to June 15. Please save that date.

Interestingly, Dr. Dorfman was to have been our speaker, but he discovered a conflict and had to bow out temporarily. Susan Strand agreed to fill in with a drum program, and I arranged with three different groups to borrow drums for the day. I'm now working to get approval from them for the date change... I tell you all this simply because I don't want to suffer alone. Anyone with a djembe drum is welcome to bring it to the meeting so more will have an instrument to use.

July's meeting will also be on the third Saturday. I'm hoping Dr. Dorfman will be able to attend that meeting. More to come on that.

See you Saturday morning as you come through the connector on the east side of the center,


January 27 - Dr. de Marcaida HHC
February 24 - Dr. Dagostine HHC
March 23 - Dr. Conner UCONN and clinical trial presenters
April 27 - Colin Grabowski, Kyowa Kirin
May 18 (3rd Saturday)
June 22
July 20 (3rd Saturday; I'll be at a conference the fourth weekend)
August 24
SEPTEMBER 15 - Walk in the Woods for Parkinson's at White Memorial
October 26
November 23 (We'll go on the 4th Saturday this year because it's a long month, and Thanksgiving is not till the 28th.)
December 21 (3rd Saturday) 

How do you know, and what do you want to hear? If you have ideas for programs, or if you know of a good speaker, let me know. As you can see, I have to start early to line up our meeting programs. The center needs info about two months in advance to print it in the newsletter.

Save the Date - Sunday Sept 17th, 2023

An annual Walk in the Woods, held at White Memorial Conservation Center in Litchfield is the group's main fundraiser, which supports the weekly exercise program. The group also contributes annually to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research in hope of ridding the world of Parkinson's disease. 

Championing Parkinson’s Research!

Thank you for your dedication to Fox Insight. With over 20,000 participants, you are part of the largest Parkinson’s disease (PD) research study in the world! Every time you log in to Fox Insight and fill out surveys, you are providing doctors, researchers, and drug developers with information to better understand Parkinson’s from the true PD experts—patients and their families. 

Join Our Monthly Meetings

Meetings run 10 AM to noon and include an educational component, business announcements, exercise for people with Parkinson's (PWP) and a support group for care partners.
Meetings include speakers from health care professions and local support services organizations, as well as separate group sessions for both the caregiver and caretaker..

Did You Know?

  • Every 9 minutes an individual is diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease
  • 1 in 10 people will have Parkinson's
  • There is no “definitive test” that can confirm Parkinson's disease, except after death
  • Parkinson's is not just your "grandparent's" disease or for "old" people
  • Currently there is "no cure" for Parkinson's
  • Medication can substitute for the missing dopamine, but it is only a temporary solution
  • There are 60,000 new cases of Parkinson's Disease a year
  • The total cost to the nation is estimated to exceed $6 Billion annually
  • Without more federal funding for research to find a cure for Parkinson's, the numbers of Parkinson patients will only increase each year

Free Exercise Program For Members

Exercise is the only thing known to slow disease progression. To that end, TAPSG offers an exercise program free of charge to members. A physician's referral and pre-screening by Hartford Health Care's PT staff is required before beginning the program.

Torrington Connecticut Area Parkinsons Support Group is sponsored by the Sullivan Senior Center, Charlotte Hungerford Hospital and the Connecticut American Parkinsons Disease Association.


You are a caregiver if you Take care of someone who has a chronic illness or disease, Manage medications, talk to doctors and nurses on someone’s behalf. Bathe, dress, do household chores ...


is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. It results from the death of dopamine-generating cells in the substantia nigra, a region of the midbrain; the cause of cell-death is unknown.


Is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual so that person is able to perceive accurately, think clearly and act effectively to achieve self-selected goals ...


A group of people who provide each other with moral support, information, and advice on problems relating to some shared characteristic or experience: a support group for Parkinsons Disease.

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